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Flowmap publications

Of course you are not the only one interested in Flowmap. Various researchers, students and others have been using Flowmap within a research environment. Below is a list of articles, publications, news, etc. within which Flowmap has played a role!

English publications

Anderson, V.N. (1995), Developing Flowmap network analysis: some useful graph theoretic techniques. In: From research to application through cooperation; proceedings of the Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information, vol. 1, pp. 584-585. Basel: AKM.

Barkhof, M., P. van Teeffelen en T. de Jong (2000), Applying a GIS for integrated rural accessibility planning in Laos, using a PC based GIS - FLOWMAP - as a tool to plan facilities. In: Proceedings of 5th GIS and Developing Countries Conference. Los Banos, Philippines.

Fisher, M., J. Essletzbichler, H. Gassler & G. Trichtl (1993), Telephone communication patterns in Austria: A comparison of the IPFP-based graph-theoretic and Intramax approaches. In: Geographical Analysis 25 pp. 224-233.

Geertman, S., T. de Jong & C. Wessels (2003), Flowmap: A Support Tool for Strategic Network Analysis. In: Geertman, S. & J. Stillwell (Eds): Planning Support Systems in Practise. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

Geertman, S., T. de Jong & C. Wessels & J. Bleeker (2004), The Relocation of Ambulance Facilities in Central Rotterdam. In: J. Stillwell & G. Clarke (Eds): Applied GIS and Spatial Analysis. London: Wiley.

Green, C., N. Morojele & J. Maritz (1998), GIS tools to bring services closer to people - a case study on planning police facility locations in Khayelitsha. In: Proceedings of the fourth GISDECO seminar. Utrecht/Pretoria: GISDECO.

Green, C., A. Naudé & J.R. Ritsema van Eck (1998), Accessibility analysis techniques to locate new public transport interchanges and public facilities. In: Freeman, P. & C. Jamet eds. (1998): Urban transport policy, a sustainable development tool, pp. 441-447. Rotterdam: Balkema. BR>

Ham, M. van, (2002), Job Access, workplace mobility and occupational achievement. PhD-Thesis Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Utrecht. Delft: Eburon.

Ham, M. van, P. Hooimeijer & C. Mulder (2001), Urban form and job access: disparate realities in the Randstad. In: Tijdschrift voor Economische en sociale geografie, vol. 92, pp.231-246.

Ham, M. van, C. Mulder & P. Hooimeijer (2001a), Spatial flexibility in job mobility: macrolevel opportunities and microlevel restrictions. In: Environment and Planning A, vol. 33, pp. 921-940.

Ham, M. van, C. Mulder & P. Hooimeijer (2001b), Local underemployment and the discouraged worker effect. In: Urban Studies, vol. 38, pp. 1733-1751.

Jong, T. de & S. Amer (2002), Using GIS to analyse the influence of public transport availability on the choice of health service: a case study of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: (X. Godard and I. Fatonzoun. Eds.) Urban mobility for all. ISBN 90 5809 399 9 Balkema Publishers, Lisse, 2002, pp 145-152.

Jong, T. de & H. Floor (1991), Using Flowmap 2.1, a program for the display and analysis of interation data. Utrecht: Faculty of Geographical Sciences.

Jong, T. de & H. Floor (1993a), Using Flowmap: a program for the display and analysis of flow data. Paper presented ar the 89th meeting of American Geographers, Atlanta.

Jong, T. de & H. Floor (1996), Analysis of interaction data in a GIS environment, a case study in Indonesia. In: Tun Fung, Poh Chin Lai, Hui Lin & Antony Yeh, eds. (1996), GIS in Asia; selected papers of the Asia GIS/LIS AM/FM and Spatial Analysis conference, pp. 435-449. Singapore: GIS Asia Pacific.

Jong, T. de, H.Floor & J. Ritsema van Eck(2001), The adaptation of Optimization Techniques for usage in combination with planning support systems; including a case study of siting secundary schools for ethnic minorities in the city of Utrecht. In: Proceedings of the 7th Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference, University of Hawaii, Hawaii USA.

Jong, T. de & S. Krygsman (1999), Access denied; GIS maps areas underserved by retail centers in South Africa. In: Geo Info Systems, Vol 9, Nr 1, january 1999, pp 30-33.

Jong, T. de, J.Maritz & J. Ritsema van Eck(2001), Using optimisation techniques for comparison of the accessibility criteria of facility siting scenarios; a case study of siting police stations in South Africa's Bushbuckridge area. In: Proceedings of the 4th Agile conference on Geographic Information Science, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic.

Jong, T. de & H. Ottens (1997), GIS functionality for multilevel research. In: Westert, G.P. & R. N. Verhoeff, eds. (1997), Places and people: multilevel modelling in geographical research, pp. 44-54. Utrecht: FRW/KNAG (NGS 227).

Jong, T. de, J.R. Ritsema van Eck & H. Floor (1994), Using Flowmap version 4.1. A program for the display and analysis of interaction data. Utrecht: Faculty of Geographical Sciences.

Jong, & J.R. Ritsema van Eck (1996), Location profile based measures as an improvement on accessibility modelling in GIS. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, volume 20, pp. 181-190.

Jong, T. de & P. van Teeffelen (1993), GIS techniques for implementation and evaluation of rural centre planning as applied in the Bantul district in Indonesia. In: Proceedings of the second seminar on GIS and developing countries: problems and challenges. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht.

Kammeier, H.D. (1997), New tools for spatial analysis and planning as part of a computer-aided planning support system. In: proceedings of Computers in Urban Management (CUPUM97), India, 1997.

Kammeier, H.D. (1999), New tools for spatial analysis and planning as components of an incremental planning-support system. In: Environment and Planning B, vol 26, pp. 365-380. Abstract

Morojele. N., S. Krygsman & T. de Jong (2001), An evaluation of retail potential using GIS-based Decision Support functionaliity; a case study of Cape Town, South Africa. In: Proceedings of the 4th Agile conference on Geographic Information Science, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic.

Maritz, J., C. Green & M. Mashiri (1999), Customisation and application of CSIR's AccessMap system for the placement of police stations in a rural area. DACST Innovation Fund project number 13102.

Maritz, J. & M. Mashiri (2000), Application of the Accessmap/Flowmap model in the location of police stations in displaced rural areas. Paper presented at URISA, Orlando, Florida, August 19-23 2000.

Naudé, A., T. de Jong & P. van Teeffelen (1998), Planning support tools for addressing accessibility and related rural development problems. In: Proceedings of the fourth GISDECO seminar. Utrecht/Pretoria: GISDECO.

Naudé, A. , T. de Jong & P. van Teeffelen (1999), Measuring accessibility with GIS-Tools: A case study of the Wild Coast of South Africa. In: Transactions in GIS, vol 3, no 4, pp 381-395.

Ritsema van Eck, J.R. & T. de Jong (1999), Accessibility analysis and spatial competition effects in the context of GIS-supported service location planning. In: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, volume 23, pp. 75-89.

Ritsema van Eck, J.R. & T. de Jong (2002), Off the Road: From Data points to the Network in GIS-Based Network Analysis. In: Proceedings 21st annual South African Transport Conference (SATC). Pretoria, South Africa.

Teeffelen, P. van (1991), Analyzing interaction data with GIS techniques in developing countries: the use of Flowmap in Mali and Mexico. In: Proceedings of EGIS'91, vol2, pp. 1058-1066. Brussels: EGIS.

Teeffelen, P. van & T. de Jong (1993), GIS functionalities for the analysis of service usage with emphasis on spatial and socio-economic differentiation. The case of the Bantul district in Indonesia. In: Hongjun Lu & Beng Chin Ooi (1993), GIS technology and applications. Proceedings of the far east workshop in Geographic Information Systems. Singapore: World Scientific.

Teeffelen, P. van & T. de Jong (1995), Planning services is more than drawing circles. A critical approach of locational aspects of Rural Centre Planning aspects. In: Malaysian Journal for Tropical Geography, Vol 26 nr 2.

Zwan, J. van der & R. van der Wel & J. Ritsema van Eck & T. de Jong & H. Floor (2003), Manual Flowmap 7. Utrecht: Faculty of Geosciences.

Dutch publications

Floor, H., R. Goetgeluk & R. van Kempen (1996), Migratiestromen uit de Randstad In: Geografie jaargang 5, no. 2, KNAG, Utrecht, pp. 12-15

Goetgeluk, R.W. (1993a), 28 functionele woningmarktregio's In: AGORA, 9e jaargang nummer 2.

Goetgeluk, R.W. (1993b), De regionale woningmarkt en de effectiviteit van de vraag. In: Rooilijn, nr 5, mei 1993, Planologisch en Demografisch Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam, pp. 212-217.

Goetgeluk, R.W. (1993c), Regio's in de volkshuisvesting, een Intramax-clustering in Flowmap In: Planning 45, INRO-TNO Delft.

Goetgeluk, R. (1997), Bomen over Wonen, woningmarktonderzoek met beslissingsbomen , proefschrift faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands Geographical Studies 235, Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, Utrecht, 10 december 1997

Goetgeluk, R. & R. van Kempen (1996), De Randstad uit? In: Geografie jaargang 5, no. 2, KNAG, Utrecht, p. 4.

Hofs, M. (1996), Het dienstengebruik in Bantul district, Indonesië; een analyse met behulp van geografische informatiesystemen. Utrecht: Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen (doctoraalscriptie).

Jong, T. de & B. De Haas (1999), Visualisatie van bereikbaar heidsana lyses: een onderzoek in het Wild Coast gebied in Zuid Afrika. In: Kartografisch Tijdschrift, jaargang XXV, nummer 2, pp. 11-19.

Jong, T. de & H. Floor (1993), Flowmap: een programma voor het weergeven en analyseren van interactiegegevens. In: Planning, methodiek en toepassing, nummer 44, pp 31-16. Kempen, R. van, R. Goetgeluk & H. Floor (1995), De Randstad uit; achtergronden bij het verhuizen en willen verhuizen van Randstedelingen Faculteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht, pp. 111.

Louwers, G. (1997), Verplaatsingsgedrag van agrarische ondernemers, Wageningen/Den Haag: Vakgroep Ruimtelijke Planvorming Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen / Landbouw-Economisch Instituut-DLO (doctoraal/stagescriptie)

Noorthuis, A. (1993), De regionale woningmarkt en verhuisgedrag, Utrecht: Fakulteit Ruimtelijke Wetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht (doctoraalscriptie).

Schutjens, V.A.J.M., R. van Kempen & B. Wiendels (1998), Werk-geïnduceerde migratie over lange afstand: een vooronderzoek. Utrecht: Urban Research Centre Utrecht, pp. 121.

Wens, N. (1997), Residentiële mobiliteit gestructureerd aan de hand van desktop GIS (Flowmap); een toepassing voor Gent. Leuven: Departement Geografie-Geologie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (licentiaatsscriptie).